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Shop Energy Efficient Appliances

Energy efficiency around the home is vital when the climate change crisis is one that stands to change humanity. A lot of appliance products and electronics in the home use a lot of energy, even when they’re on standby. To help cut down on your power usage and energy bills, energy efficiency labels and ratings … Continued

CES 2021: The future of Home Appliances

Cook Up a Storm this Valentine’s Day

If you want to impress your loved one this year, what better way to do that than with some home cooking. To help you channel your inner chef this Valentine’s Day, we’ve collated some of our hand-picked brunch and dinner recipes. Best of all, some of these creations can be prepared with the home appliances … Continued

The Ultimate Christmas Feast

Confirm your guestlist and create a feast that will help ring out the end of an extraordinary year. Whether you’re stuck on ideas or need something that will please the crowd, our hand-picked Australian-inspired Christmas recipes will make entertaining easier!